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с исландского на английский

r1 system

  • 1 system

    1) (an arrangement of many parts that work together: a railway system; the solar system; the digestive system.) kerfi
    2) (a person's body: Take a walk every day - it's good for the system!) líffærakerfi
    3) (a way of organizing something according to certain ideas, principles etc: a system of government/education.) skipulag, kerfi
    4) (a plan or method: What is your system for washing the dishes?) aðferð
    5) (the quality of being efficient and methodical: Your work lacks system.) skipuleg vinnubrögð
    - systematically

    English-Icelandic dictionary > system

  • 2 the binary system

    (the system of writing and calculating with numbers which uses only two digits (0 and 1) and has 2 as a base (101 = 1 four, 0 twos, 1 unit = 5).) tvenndarkerfi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > the binary system

  • 3 the metric system

    (a system of weights and measures based on multiples of ten (eg 1 metre = 100 centimetres, 1 centimetre = 10 millimetres etc).) metrakerfi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > the metric system

  • 4 nervous system

    (the brain, spinal cord and nerves of a person or animal.) taugakerfi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > nervous system

  • 5 solar system

    (the Sun or any star and the planets which move round it.) sólkerfi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > solar system

  • 6 class

    1. plural - classes; noun
    1) (a group of people or things that are alike in some way: The dog won first prize in its class in the dog show.) flokkur
    2) ((the system according to which people belong to) one of a number of economic/social groups: the upper class; the middle class; the working class; ( also adjective) the class system.) stétt
    3) (a grade or rank (of merit): musicians of a high class.) (gæða)flokkur
    4) (a number of students or scholars taught together: John and I are in the same class.) bekkur, hópur
    5) (a school lesson or college lecture etc: a French class.) kennslustund
    6) ((American) a course or series of lectures, often leading to an examination.)
    2. verb
    (to regard as being of a certain type: He classes all women as stupid.) flokka
    - class-room

    English-Icelandic dictionary > class

  • 7 code

    [kəud] 1. noun
    1) (a collection of laws or rules: a code of behaviour.) lagabálkur; siðareglur
    2) (a (secret) system of words, letters, or symbols: the Morse Code; The message was in code; We have deciphered the enemy's code.) dulmál
    3) (a system of symbols etc for translating one type of language into another: There are a number of codes for putting English into a form usable by a computer.) kódi, táknróf
    2. verb
    (to put into (secret, computer etc) code: Have you coded the material for the computer?) kóda, táknsetja; setja í dulmál

    English-Icelandic dictionary > code

  • 8 metre

    I ['mi:tə] noun
    ((often abbreviated m when written) the chief unit of length in the metric system, equal to 39.37 inches: This table is one metre broad.) metri
    - the metric system II ['mi:tə] noun
    ((in poetry) the regular arrangement of syllables that are stressed or unstressed, long or short: The metre of this passage is typical of Shakespeare.) bragarháttur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > metre

  • 9 reform

    [rə'fo:m] 1. verb
    1) (to improve or remove faults from: The criminal's wife stated that she had made great efforts to reform her husband.) bæta; betra
    2) (to give up bad habits, improve one's behaviour etc: He admitted that he had been a criminal, but said that he intended to reform.) bæta ráð sitt
    2. noun
    1) (the act of improving: the reform of our political system.) umbót
    2) (an improvement: He intends to make several reforms in the prison system.) umbót
    - reformed
    - reformer

    English-Icelandic dictionary > reform

  • 10 scale

    I [skeil] noun
    1) (a set of regularly spaced marks made on something (eg a thermometer or a ruler) for use as a measure; a system of numbers, measurement etc: This thermometer has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit and one in Centigrade.) skali, mælikvarði
    2) (a series or system of items of increasing or decreasing size, value etc: a wage/salary scale.) þrep, flokkur, stigi
    3) (in music, a group of notes going up or down in order: The boy practised his scales on the piano.) tónstigi
    4) (the size of measurements on a map etc compared with the real size of the country etc shown by it: In a map drawn to the scale 1:50,000, one centimetre represents half a kilometre.) mælikvarði
    5) (the size of an activity: These guns are being manufactured on a large scale.) magn
    II [skeil] verb
    (to climb (a ladder, cliff etc): The prisoner scaled the prison walls and escaped.) klifra, klífa
    III [skeil] noun
    (any of the small thin plates or flakes that cover the skin of fishes, reptiles etc: A herring's scales are silver in colour.) hreisturflaga

    English-Icelandic dictionary > scale

  • 11 solar

    (having to do with, powered by, or influenced by, the sun: the solar year; a solar heating system.) sól-, sólar-, sólarorku-
    - solar-powered
    - solar system

    English-Icelandic dictionary > solar

  • 12 AIDS

    ( abbreviation) (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; a disease that affects the immune system: He had a blood test to see if he had AIDS.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > AIDS

  • 13 airmail

    noun (a system of carrying mail by air: Send this parcel by airmail; ( also adjective) an airmail letter.) flugpóstur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > airmail

  • 14 at random

    (without any particular plan or system: The police were stopping cars at random and checking their brakes; Choose a number at random.) af handahófi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > at random

  • 15 backfire

    1) ((of a motor-car etc) to make a loud bang because of unburnt gases in the exhaust system: The car backfired.) miskveikja, sprengja
    2) ((of a plan etc) to have unexpected results, often opposite to the intended results: His scheme backfired (on him), and he lost money.) hafa öfug áhrif (við tilætluð)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > backfire

  • 16 backup

    1) (additional people who provide help when it is needed: The police officer requested some backup when the shooting began.)
    2) (a copy of a computer file that can be used in case the original is destroyed.)
    3) (( also adjective) a piece of equipment, a system etc that can be used when there is a problem with the original one: a backup plan; We have a backup generator in case the power fails.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > backup

  • 17 binary

    English-Icelandic dictionary > binary

  • 18 bowel

    1) ((usually in plural) the part of the digestive system below the stomach; the intestines: The surgeon removed part of her bowel.) þarmur, görn
    2) ((in plural) the inside of something, especially when deep: the bowels of the earth.) iður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > bowel

  • 19 braille

    (a system of printing for the blind, using raised dots.) blindraletur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > braille

  • 20 brain

    1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) heili
    2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) gáfur
    3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) gáfumaður
    - brainy
    - brainchild
    - brain drain
    - brainwash
    - brainwashing
    - brainwave

    English-Icelandic dictionary > brain

См. также в других словарях:

  • system — sys‧tem [ˈsɪstm] noun [countable] an arrangement or organization of ideas, methods, or ways of working: • Deregulation has created worries about the stability of the country s financial system. • All staff will benefit from a well run… …   Financial and business terms

  • System Shock 2 — Developer(s) Irrational Games Looking Glass Studios Publisher(s) Electronic Arts …   Wikipedia

  • System — (from Latin systēma , in turn from Greek polytonic|σύστημα systēma) is a set of interacting or interdependent entities, real or abstract, forming an integrated whole. The concept of an integrated whole can also be stated in terms of a system… …   Wikipedia

  • System 256 — System 246 Le System 246 est un système de jeux vidéo destiné aux salles d arcade, basé sur la PlayStation 2. Il a été créé par la société Namco en 2001. Un System 246 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • System of systems — is a moniker for a collection of task oriented or dedicated systems that pool their resources and capabilities together to obtain a new, more complex, meta system which offers more functionality and performance than simply the sum of the… …   Wikipedia

  • System i — Modell 570 mit Power 6 Prozessoren (Oktober 2007) i5 Modell 570 (2006) Syst …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • System i5 — System i Modell 570 mit Power 6 Prozessoren (Oktober 2007) i5 Modell 570 (2006) System i (frühere Namen AS/400 oder eServer iSeries oder System i5) ist eine Computer Baureihe der Firma IBM. IBMs Systeme …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • System of a Down — au Download Festival en mai 2005. Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • System Shock 2 — Разработчики Irrational Games Looking Glass Studios Изда …   Википедия

  • System Of A Down — 2005 beim Download Festival Gründung 1995 Genre Alternative Metal Website …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • System of a down — 2005 beim Download Festival Gründung 1995 Genre Alternative Metal Website …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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